Friday, January 14, 2011

Bargains Of The Week

I am starting to really appreciate my ability to find a bargain - anywhere. This week, we had a little spending money and I wanted to go check out some vintage fabric that a friend told me about at a nearby antique shop. Those three rolls of fabric cost me a whopping $7. That's WAY less than buying a yard of most anything at our local craft store. And it's vintage! Of course, that means I have to do something really cool with it and not screw it up because I can't find that fabric anywhere else ever again. :) Just before finding that fabric, I scored those two vinyl records at an antique store next to the one with the fabric for $9.

I also made a trip to Big Lots to pick up something they had on sale. While there, I found those coffee cups with box of tea on the Christmas clearance shelf for $2.50. The 6 squares (17"-18" X 20" - 22") of fabric were $1 each. And then there's a big package of card stock next to the records that I scored for $5 (24 sheets). I use card stock for my new sewing business so that's kind of a business expense - but wanted to share it anyway because it was such a great deal. Same for the fabric - even though I may end up keeping the vintage fabric projects.

If you didn't keep up... I got these things for less than $30 (and most of that I'll get back through my sewing business).

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