Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Secret

Fact. Life is hard sometimes. Sometimes bad things happen - yes, even to good people. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes things beyond our control can ruin a perfectly good day.

But every day is full of new possibilities - possibilities to dwell on the bad or think about the good.

Last night, hubs and I watched The Secret. It's crazy how much of it relates to Christian principles. So is "The Secret" to life Christianity? It could be for everyone. For me, it is. For me, there is no other way to live. The movie described our lives as being controlled by "the Universe" but Christians call this kind of "Universe", God. God is the One in control of my life. He is the powers that be.

The movie talked a lot about how we are to stay focused on positive things to have a positive life so "The Secret" can manifest itself in our lives. The rest is up to "the Universe" - or in my case, God. The thing that made most sense to me in this movie was how bad things happen because we're always thinking bad thoughts. If we start focusing on good thoughts for our life, then good things will happen. I really think there's some truth to that.

Think about what happens when you surround yourself with awful people. Your life starts to kind of suck and you always feel bad. But when you surround yourself with positive people, good things start happening and you're more joyful. Right? It's the same for our thoughts. Go through your day thinking about the positive things you want to happen in your life. Cut out the thoughts of why or how it won't work. Just focus on the fact that it will. The Universe God will take care of the how/when/etc. You just have to believe it'll happen.

Today, I tried to put this into practice with my own life. When I started to get upset at my children, I tried redirecting my thoughts to all the things I appreciate about them. When I started to get upset about my finances, I started to think about all of the times God provided for us no matter how much money there was wasn't in the bank. I think it all starts by appreciating your life and those in it. Stop thinking about what you don't have and appreciate the things you do. Focus on what you want in your life and don't question it ever happening.

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the Christian "power of positive thinking", me likey :) I struggle with this quiet often and have made the following scripture my daily mantra.

    We demolish (Greek: hupernikao) every argument and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought, forcing it into obedience to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

    When my thoughts don't line up with what God says, the gloves come off and I play dirty. I've suffered too long from negative thinking. Excellent post friend!

    Hupernikao (hoop-er-nik-ay-o) To vanquish beyond recognition, gain decisive victory over and exceedingly conquer. Heck to tha yes.
